Saturday, January 5, 2019

New Year--New Disciplines

Fantasies bubble up inside me--ideas, beginnings, characters. Perfect for short stories. If only I could write them. I begin with zest, but the tale usually dies before it can reach a conclusion. A few have trudged on to "the End." Some have even received "Rejections," and one actually made it to an Ezine. However, too many sit in my files waiting--almost finished. 

With longer endeavors I do better. I have two complete novels ready to shop. A second in my series is perhaps a third of the way through. I'm a pantser, which means I write by the seat of my pants, learning the story as I go. I enjoy building my characters and setting. As the protagonist interacts with her world, the plot sorts itself out, unlike my short stories.

So, this year, I've decided to write down all the exciting ideas that pop into my head to look at later. Today I will discipline myself and concentrate on my manuscript, no matter how tempting the scenarios flitting through my head.

Remember, Keep Writing!
My writing buds!

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